Monday, February 28, 2011


I was babysitting and I saw this Jack in the Box. It immediately reminded me of Elf.  Oh how I love this movie, I could quote the whole thing asleep.
Sorry it's such bad quality it was the only thing I could find

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Movie Time

Anna had never seen Zoolander or Love Wrecked! I still don't know how she was living. But now she has seen them she is a new person, all because of me.

Since I showed Anna some amazing show she had to show me some.

We weren't planning on watching this, but it was a good cheesy chick flick

This is a way funny t.v. show. I can see way she is addicted to it.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Man, I feel like a woman

In math class we always have music playing. I have Mr. Barker so we are always listening to oldies music. He handed out a worksheet and all of the sudden "
Man I feel like a woman" by Shania Twain came on out of the blue. Kamryn, Brittney and I all looked at each other and started laughing. It made my day!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My favortie things

Here are some of my favorite things. But there are much, much more.

Beach/ Summertime

Money, and yes this once was all mine

Doing my hair, normal and crazy

The Fam


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pizza pie cafe

Thanks to Jentry Ann McGregor I'm in love with pizza pie cafe!

If you can't Jent, Ems and I love the oreo pizza there

Monday, February 21, 2011


Here are my besties. We have had some fun, funny, exciting, sad, embarrassing, creative, weird, boring, great experiences together.

I think the sun was too bright that day

If you can't tell me and ems were really bored

I know you still love me even though I look like I'm going to kill you all

Saturday, February 19, 2011


So somewhere in the world Kathryn and I stopped in an antique shop. It was pretty much the best place ever.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Numa Numa

I remeber the first time I ever saw this and it was so funny. I don't know why, but probably because it was way before you tube.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Olsens

So we live next to the Olsens as you all know. Well they have a hobby that has a  bad effect on  me....they make delicious desserts. My weakness, I tried to do what Emily did not have desserts for a year. That lasted a day because Kathryn made a delicious bunt cake and I had to have it, curse you Kathryn.

That was the most chocolate I've ever eatten in one bite
Kathryn and Emily,
Does Katie remind you of anyone you know, dark hair, white skin, blue eyes, sound familiar?
They made dessert for my birthday last year, it was super duper delcious.
 Gotta love it

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Every year we take a yearly road trip down to Oregon! Last year we went to Sunriver for a family reunion. Here are some pics of  our joyous trip together.

Skill right there

I chose this picture because of Kathryn I don't know
what she is doing


mmmmm homemake suckers

THE FAM! We all look like like
a) haven't slept in forever
b) haven't looked in a mirror
c) showered
d) all of the above
D is the correct answer

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My BFF Mindy

So last night for fun Emily, Mom and I went to the Mindy Gledhill concert. She is such a good singer! I talked to her so now we are tight now.

I bought a tshirt just to show my love for Mindy

I tried to put up of video but of couse it won't work. Maybe I'll put it up  later if I remember.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Zoolander  is possibly one of the best movies ever....when edited.

I was out driving and I saw this car
the licence says, "One Look"
and the licence plate cover says "Magnum."
That was probably the coolest licence I have seen ever.
If you don't get that then you clearly haven't seen Zoolander.

If you haven't seen this move I would recommend it!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Brady Bunch

For our Davis family reunion activity our whole family split into groups. They all got a bag of costumes and props and you had to use all of them. For our skit we did the Brady Bunch. It was probably the best skits I've ever done.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Food glorious food!

For Mia Maids all of the girls brought food and the recipe. Megan Mckell brought this amazing recipe. Crepes with nutella and vanilla ice-cream.

The crepe batter, and yes Kathryn I can make batter as smooth as yours...

Delicious vanilla bean ice cream

Nutella on your crepe

Ice cream and nutella on the crepe

Me enjoying heaven on earth

A while ago Anna and I created some amazing dessert also

                              Grahamcracker pie crust, ice cream and
                              caramel sauce. Delicious!