Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Olsens

So we live next to the Olsens as you all know. Well they have a hobby that has a  bad effect on  me....they make delicious desserts. My weakness, I tried to do what Emily did not have desserts for a year. That lasted a day because Kathryn made a delicious bunt cake and I had to have it, curse you Kathryn.

That was the most chocolate I've ever eatten in one bite
Kathryn and Emily,
Does Katie remind you of anyone you know, dark hair, white skin, blue eyes, sound familiar?
They made dessert for my birthday last year, it was super duper delcious.
 Gotta love it


  1. shelly, ur still a qt pie. i like can't even get over it.

  2. oh my so jell. seriously. i wish i was their neighbors! I guess Live Walrus moved out so maybe i'll move back in!
