Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Someone's turning 20!

 Happy Birthday to the coolest 20 year old I know.

Here are some fans who want to say,

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oh the fam!

                       Here is a picture of all of us in  Disneyland. Super adorbs.

If you couldn't tell I'm the one with a yellow circle around my head.
Just if your wondering.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Freshman Ball.

On Friday I decided to go to Freshman Ball. It was pretty fun (for a Lakeridge dance.) Afterwards Elizabeth had a party at her house. It was so fun, I ate, played ping pong, checkers, watched people play Foosball and Anna and me had a competition to see who could chug a water bottle the fastest. I won by 35 sec Anna was 39 sec. I felt so sick afterwards.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

Emily and I went to Target to look for Jared's late birthday present today. Guess who we saw there?
                               The one and only, MINDY GLEDHILL!
Emily and I looked at each other and said, "Mindy Gledhill?"
She turned around and we said, "We love you, and we just went to your concert."
Mindy: "which one?"
Rachel: " The Valentine one."
Emily: " I love your Sum of All Grace CD and we listen to your CD's all the time."
Mindy: "Really all the time?"
Us: "Yep"
Then we walked away and I looked at Emily and her face was tomato red and mine was too. We probably looked like we just died.

Then we were going up to the cash register and I saw Stephanie Nielsen looking at jewelry, the one with the famous blog. If you have never looked at it you should! http://nieniedialogues.blogspot.com/ It was so crazy. I guess Target is the place to be.

By the way if you didn't know, today is suppose to be the end of the world. If it is, I'm fine I just met Mindy Gledhill in person, what else do I need to do on earth?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My first blog on Becca's mac!

Becca insisted that I blogged, so I stole her mac. Here is what has been happening lately...

Gintree An Mickgreggor came and had a sleepover and....
Watched the Justin Bieber movie!
Now Jentree has the Bieber Fever! 
Just kidding I think she hates him even more. 
Thanks to Emily and I. 



Kathryn showed Emily and I this video in Cali.
I didn't think it was that funny the first time,
but now I think it is hilarious. 
So I had to show it to Gentyee. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Feliz Día de la Madre!

So I am super glad I have the mom that I do. Without her who would be my taxi, my cook, my personal masseuse, english and Spanish expert the list goes on. 

Since we were in California this last week I didn't get a present. So I'll show Daniel's super coolio one.

I guess Daniel spent too much time in Lego Land.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May!

So yeah, I haven't blogged in forever.
 I'll just sum it all up

Photo booth in California,
which couldn't make me more happy!

Mom, Dad, Daniel and I went to the Garden Room in SLC
I got delicious ravioli

Chocolate and Cinnamon cake. yum. 

I had to take all of these tests for Biology in less than a week.
I had to get 90% or higher on all 52 of them.
I went insane

Emily in the car.....
it doesn't require photobooth