Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May!

So yeah, I haven't blogged in forever.
 I'll just sum it all up

Photo booth in California,
which couldn't make me more happy!

Mom, Dad, Daniel and I went to the Garden Room in SLC
I got delicious ravioli

Chocolate and Cinnamon cake. yum. 

I had to take all of these tests for Biology in less than a week.
I had to get 90% or higher on all 52 of them.
I went insane

Emily in the car.....
it doesn't require photobooth

1 comment:

  1. 1. I'm SO RIDICULOUSLY JEALOUS you're with Kathryn. It's unreal.

    2. I wish I was in California, especially with your guys' family.

    3. The garden room looks delish. I'll put that on my list of places to go asap.

    4. Emily has some sweet talent. fir shir.
