Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My first blog on Becca's mac!

Becca insisted that I blogged, so I stole her mac. Here is what has been happening lately...

Gintree An Mickgreggor came and had a sleepover and....
Watched the Justin Bieber movie!
Now Jentree has the Bieber Fever! 
Just kidding I think she hates him even more. 
Thanks to Emily and I. 



Kathryn showed Emily and I this video in Cali.
I didn't think it was that funny the first time,
but now I think it is hilarious. 
So I had to show it to Gentyee. 


  1. I was bawling from watching that in california. it's still funny. no, it's HILARIOUS. and I'm glad you finally came around to liking it!!

  2. Best music video EVER! I bawled too. Like even after the 2,000th time i've seen it.
